In this episode, former EconTalk guest and author of Gut Feelings, Gerd Gigerenzer joins host Russ Roberts to talk about his latest book, How to Stay Smart in a Smart World: Why Human Intelligence Still Beats Algorithms. Whether fearful or excited about the impact and potential of AI, we think you will find this discussion scintillating.
What aspects of AI concern you the most? What claims do you doubt? As always, we would love to hear what you think about and hope these questions will inspire you to share your thoughts with us.
1- Cancer treatments and investments are two areas where numerous variables and uncertainties abound. What else comes to mind that supports the “ common sense beats AI” argument?
2- EconTalk listeners are familiar with a favorite quotation of Russ Roberts’, ‘We are storytelling, pattern-seeking animals.’ How does Gigerenzer argue that AI can turn this human tendency against us?
3- What do you think about the coffee house analogy of online platforms? Which part rings truest to you- the free coffee, sales people as customers, or us as the product being sold? How much should you/we care about being surveilled?
4- PISA scores indicate that 90% of 15-year-olds, who are digital natives, do not know how to tell facts from fakes. Gigerenzer proposes that students should be trained to check the About Us tab, but the majority of Stanford undergrads don’t know this lateral reading technique. Do you believe this risk literacy deficit and inability to discern trusted sources is unique to this age group? Explain.
5- Better problem solving skills and knowledge of statistics might reverse the negative error culture that pervades corporations and individuals today. What other educational investment is needed to prepare students for complicated decision-making in a world of uncertainty?
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